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Slow down ageing

The secret behind the on-trend substance spermidine

Today it’s possible to have a body that is far younger physiologically than the number shown in our ID card. Autophagy – the cells’ self-cleansin process – plays an important role here. With BEYOND spermidine, RINGANA has created a product with natural ingredients that stimulates this cell renewal.



Ageing takes place in the cells. You’ve probably noticed that everyone’s talking about intermittent fasting or dinner cancelling. People leave longer gaps between meals not only to regulate their weight but also to promote autophagy in the cells. With this process, the cells operate something like an internal waste disposal system, breaking down bad and damaged parts of cells that no longer have a function, and removing them from the inside of cells. Intermittent fasting accelerates this self-cleansing process while constant snacking has a disruptive effect on it. Autophagy can therefore combat premature ageing. The Japanese cell biologist, Yoshinori Ohsumi, discovered this process for which he was recognised with a Nobel prize.



Spermidine plays an important role in autophagy. This natural polyamine was first isolated in sperm, hence its name. Spermidine is connected with cell growth, which is why it can be found in every living organism. As we age, the body’s own production of spermidine constantly declines. Autophagy then becomes less effective. The good news: we can also take in spermidine from outside.


Beyond Spermidine

Apart from fasting, autophagy can also be activated with the supplement BEYOND spermidine. Thanks to the special combination of spermidine with other rejuvenating micronutrients, these vegan capsules are your most powerful ally when it comes to combatting the signs of ageing with smart strategies from nature. Spermidine helps to rejuvenate the cells. Studies show that pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) promotes the formation of new mitochondria. Ubiquinol, the most effective form of Coenzyme Q10, is known for its cell-rejuvenating effect. Other cell boosters: the microalga Tetraselmis chuii, bioactive L-glutathione, fucoidan extract from seaweed, Vitamin E from rice bran extract and magnesium from seawater extract. With this formulation, BEYOND spermidine capsules are a real fountain of youth.


A study* has proved that life is prolonged by the regular intake of spermidine. Life expectancy is extended by an average of five years with a spermidine-rich diet, as compared with a low-spermidine diet.


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